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Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy is for humans, not horses, right?

What is Equine Assisted Psychotherapy anyway?

Equine Assisted Therapy is a form of experiential therapy that includes horses and a specialist psychologist or counselor working together with a client to create positive change. The therapist is specifically trained in Equine Assisted Therapy in conjunction with traditional training in the mental health field. Here at STAT, we go one step further, specifically to enhance safety: safety for our clients and safety for the horses.

At STAT we offer EAGALA. The EAGALA Model is

The EAGALA Model, or Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association, is a team approach that includes a licensed, credentialed Mental Health Professional, a qualified Equine Specialist, and horses working together with the client or clients in a particular space (pastures, arenas, stables, etc.)

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is a non-mounted activity. We do not ride when using this Model.

Come what May (2020), STAT will have 6 EAGALA certified professionals contracted to take clients with a vast variety of specialties in the field of mental health and wellness.

Horses are Fun-loving, but is it effective?

Yes. The Model is evidence-based. The STAT Treatment Team is so convinced that the EAGALA Model works that we have been awarded a State Grant through the PA Commission for Crime and Delinquency for $100,000 to add even more evidence that it works! We have convinced PITT University to join our team and help with this research effort.

The EAGALA Model embraces the science that humans learn best by doing. The model prescribes a hands-on approach where clients are given the space to project and analyze their situations, make connections, and find their own solutions. Since the solutions are personally experienced in conjunction with intellectual understanding, they tend to be deeper, more profound, and longer lasting.

EAP includes a number of beneficial activities with the equine, such as observing, handling, grooming, and structured challenging exercises focused on specific skills or goals. EAP provides unique non-verbal opportunities for the client to enhance self-awareness, recognize maladaptive behaviors, identify negative feelings, and face self-defeating cognition. It may be used for clients with psycho-social difficulties and mental health needs that can result in significant changes in cognition, mood, judgment, insight, perception, social skills, communication, behavior, and learning. It helps individuals who have suffered from a traumatic event or from childhood trauma; it can help in addiction recovery, depression, anxiety and so much more.

Interested? Give us a call! Come out to the Ligonier Therapeutic Center and give it a try. We offer free demonstrations to individuals and groups. 724-593-4742 You'll find it remarkable!

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